Our dead were many, and my closest friends among them.
It was not the sort of question you could ask your closest friend.
In the last year, her five closest friends have moved away.
He was her closest friend, and she had very nearly lost him.
He couldn't believe what he'd just heard from a man who'd become one of his closest friends.
He knew his closest friend would never turn him in to the police.
More than anyone but my closest friends will ever know.
Two days on the ground, and he had lost three of his closest friends.
Once a year you have a really great party for 50 or 60 of your closest friends.
My closest friend now, with all the others dead and gone.
He wants to be a role model and a best friend, just as his father is to him.
I mean, some of my best friends are white people.
One of his best friends in the world was gone.
In a very real sense, he had lost his best friend.
The person I want to ask is actually my best friend, and she lives in another state.
He was one of the best friends I ever had.
Some of my best friends are people I've never met.
She knew him as more than her son's best friend.
In less than a month she'd come to feel like they were best friends.
So everybody decided to be his own best friend and move on.
You're my best mate but even I've had enough of you for today.
I think I've always found it hard to talk to people except for my best mate.
If you help me now, I'll be your best mate for ever.
He was my dad's best mate for a long time.
I told him we were wanted criminals in that area, and he just about became my best mate on the spot.
It was me and my best mates, for crying out loud!
So much easier to be their best mate instead, isn't it?
All I saw was my best mate lying still on the ground.
"It's not like he was my best mate or anything."
You're sure to meet your new best mate here.